Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We all carry around past hurts and regrets. Often times someone will steer clear of someone else because they have "baggage." But doesn't everyone? Heaven knows I do. I grew up with a bit of a rough childhood.

My biological father left when I was 4. I've had people come and go all throughout my life. I've learned things about people that left me appalled. The baggage list could go on but I won't get in to detail, at least not right now. I may write my biography later on but this post is not the time or place.

If there's one thing I've learned from people coming and going all throughout my life it is this: that Jesus is the one constant. He is the one that has never left me and never will. He said so in Matthew 28:20 and in countless other promises throughout the Bible. It's hard to accept but once you do, it frees you. Knowing that Jesus is always there to catch you when you fall. Knowing that when all others fall away, He remains.

Follow the jump to a video skit by The Skit Guys on this very subject. You will be touched. Your life may very well be changed. This is their skit on Baggage.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Philippians 2:1-11

In this passage of Scripture, Paul writes to the Philippians about imitating the humility of Christ. He says that if anyone finds blessings of various sorts in being united with Christ, to then be united with their fellow Christians. If there is one lesson that Christians in today’s world must learn and put into practice, it is that we must be united in pursuing those who are lost. We must be united in all things or we will not be able to accomplish anything for the Kingdom of Heaven.

In putting this passage into practice in the context of youth ministry, the applications are numerous. One such lesson to be learned here is that when ministering to the youth, we must act in humility. We cannot give off the appearance of being “holier than thou.” If the youth sense anything close to this, they will run the other direction. Jesus acted in humility constantly and therefore was able to reach far more than had He not practiced this.

We must also be united in our goals and desires for the youth. We must spread the joy we found in Christ in such a way that it is infectious to the youth. One of the best ways to lead is by example. If the youth see us genuinely following Jesus and the joy we have because of Him, they will be much more inclined to follow Him as well. Jesus was constantly in tune with the Father. This came across in ways that allowed Him to reach people that otherwise would not have responded. If we follow this example, we will be able to reach youth that may not otherwise make a decision for Christ.

The key to practicing these, as well as the other lessons in this scripture, is to do it in incarnational ministry. In other words, we must surround ourselves with those we want to reach, in this case youth, and practice these lessons genuinely. The youth can tell when an adult is not being real and thus will trust them even less. But as they see us being real, both with Jesus subsequently with them, they will open up more and begin to let us in and show them the example of Jesus.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Vision is limited on this cold, dark path.
Still, I press on toward the prize.
Hoping, praying that this time,
I won't fail.
Lighting and thunder,
my only companions.
In this canyon of misery,
yet again, I trip-I fall.
A fear of trusting,
the only one who can save me.
A fear of losing control,
of being lost in the dark forever.
I trip and I fall,
Time after time.
I'm not sure I'll ever learn,
The lesson you have for me.
I'm begging, and pleading,
For rescue from this harsh land.
But the fear that grips me still,
Is the fear of being a lost cause.
I kneel and I pray,
But what do I feel?
A weakened desire,
And a resolve almost gone.
Again I try to kneel and to pray.
A memory of faith fulfilled,
And a memory of friends and angels,
Give me strength to stand once more.
The path goes on.
And what will come along its way,
Does not matter to the one,
Whose heart is stayed on you.
Gabriel Taylor
May 28th, 2010

The Year 2010: Repost

2010 was an interesting year.  It was a wild ride.  But once you have kids, nothing is ever not a wild ride.  My wife and I welcomed our baby girl into the world on January 24th.  Coincidentally, it is also the birthday of one of our best church friends.
After over 2 days of labor, she was born by c-section, at 10 lbs 9 oz.  I love to see the reaction of people when we tell them this little tidbit of information.  Their eyes always bug out of their sockets.  She has completely changed our lives.  She is our first child, the 20th grandchild of my parents.  All you men out there, if you don't have a daughter yet, brace for impact.  As soon as your girls are born, you start thinking about what kind of weaponry to get to instill the fear of God into her future boyfriends.
We've had several adventures since we've become parents.  Probably the most interesting one was driving to Las Vegas for a convention this past July.  I tell you what, driving 24 hours straight in a car with a 6 month old baby is quite the adventure.
The next big thing in 2010 after the birth of my child, was when my sister and her husband were offered the chance to become missionary's overseas.  The way it happened was definitely a God thing.  On August 25th, we saw them off at the airport.  There was much hugging, many tears, and lots of prayers.  We miss them a lot but we know that they are doing God's will over there.  They've been huge role models for me personally, and I pray for them and wish them the best.  We cannot wait to see them again.
2010 was a good year.  2011 will be even better.  How do I know this?  Because it's a conscious decision if you want to be happy or not.  But more importantly, God is definitely leading and I look forward to what He has in store for my little part of the family.

Your Love

I don’t feel like I deserve
The love you give to me.
I don’t feel like I’ve earned
The grace that sets us free.
But you died for me anyway.
You gave your life on calvary.
Your blood is what sets me free.
I lift my hands in praise to you.
To run from you
Is my first instinct.
But your love never gives up
And always brings me back.
Because freedom is found in your scars.
And grace is found in your blood.
Love is found in your arms.
And forgiveness is found in your voice.
Make me into your servant
That I may reach those around me.
Make my actions speak of your love
That everyone may see you in me.
And when the time comes,
May I hear the words,
“Well done, good and faithful servant.
Come and share in your Master’s happiness.”