Friday, October 14, 2011

While I'm Waiting.

There is a song called, While I'm Waiting. The message is a powerful one. While we are waiting for God, we should serve Him. However painful the situation may be, serving and praising our Heavenly Father is the only way to make it through. Here's the video for the song. It's from the movie Fireproof. It's a powerful song in a powerful movie.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Praise Through the Hard Times

Have you ever fallen on hard times? Whatever the case may be. The wife of Jacob had a problem. Leah could see that Jacob favored his other wife, Rachel over her. Rachel, after all, was who Jacob wanted to begin with. But because of the custom of the day, Leah had to get married first, being the older of the two sisters.

In Genesis 29 we find the story of Leah beginning to have sons by Jacob. She has one son. She named him Reuben. And she says, in verse 32, "It is because the LORD has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now." But Jacob still didn't show her the affection she wanted.

She has another son. This time she named him Simeon. She said, in verse 33, "Because the LORD heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too." But again, Jacob isn't showing her the affection she wants from him.

She has a third son. She names this one Levi. In verse 33, she says, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons." Except he didn't.

She has a fourth son. She named him Judah. But something different happened this time. She stopped feeling sorry for herself. She realized her worth didn't lie in her husband. She realized her worth was in God. God helped her to understand that praising Him is what it's all about. She said in verse 35, "This time I will praise the LORD."

And you know the cool part about this? When she finally decided to praise God instead of throwing a pity party, God blessed the lineage of that son. It was Judah that the promised Messiah would one day come to rescue Israel and the world.

You see? When we praise God, He does great things. Yes, it may take a while to see them. But this is a hard learned lesson sometimes. Trust me. I've had to learn this the hard way.

I've had such troubles over the years with finding a job. But I began to realize that praising God is step one. Focusing on my relationship with Him is the priority. And when I realized this, God began to bless me in ways that still dumbfound me.

And yes, I'm still learning this lesson. It's an every day, often multiple times a day, battle. The devil isn't going make things easy for me. But as long as I keep my eyes on God, the world around me can fall apart. But my God will supply all my needs, according to His glorious riches.

So when you're tempted to feel sorry for yourself, do yourself a favor, and don't. It only hurts you. Trust me. I know from experience. God is all that really matters. Rise, take up your cross, and follow Him.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A New Experience

OK, folks. I just have to share this. And more importantly, I have to praise God for this.
I recieved a phone call from the substitute phone system. I do not recall ever getting a phone call on a Sunday for a substitute position. I was surprised, for sure. But the longest assignment I’ve had has been for a day and a half. This one goes from tomorrow all the way to the end of the semester. I’m excited. I look forward to working with kids for longer than a day. I look forward to getting to know them and it’s my prayer that I make a positive impact.
This experience has made me realize that God does things in His time, not mine. Just yesterday I was having a moment of frustration with my other blog and what to do as far as my calling in life. Then I heard a song. We Got The Light by Ryan Stevenson. And the lyrics made me just stop and remember that God has it all under control.
So when you doubt, remember that God will take care of you. It’s been a hard lesson for me to learn. And I’m still learning it. But I look forward to and I am very very excited about this position. I pray that I do the best I can and I ask for your prayers. Praise the Lord!