Saturday, December 1, 2012

UPDATE: Pray for Professor Walter Veith

Amazing Discoveries UPDATE REPORT:

Here is the link to the Amazing Discoveries Special Report on the matter.

Professor Walter Veith brought up on False Charges of Sedition and Antisemitism in Germany. Please pray for him!

Message from Pastor Veith – From: DC Spencer
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 16:03:48 +0200
Subject: Feedback after SMS re Walter Veith
Walter Veith wrote (28 Nov, 2012)
Concerning legal proceedings against myself in Germany:
A case of sedition (incitement against the government) has been lodged against me for apparent anti Semitic statements in my lecture on Daniel 11 (see my response below). It is probable that the people who lodged the complaint are the group from EANN (the German equivalent of SPECTRUM MAGAZINE) because they propagated such action immediately after the lecture. “Spectrum” is our liberal magazine whose first editor claimed that the visions that Ellen White received were as a result of epileptic attacks so the rest of their theology can be deduced from sentiments such as these.
There is no court case as yet, only the charge has been lodged. The police have made their enquiries, and it is up to the government now to decide whether they have a case and this will take until January — then we will know. Ellen White predicted that such things would happen so I am of good spirits because it proves the Spirit of Prophecy right. I have accepted that the matter is now in the hands of the Government and trust that God is in control. Below a few ‘epileptic attacks’ to give us hope and courage.
Dear Brethren in Germany
I wish to briefly respond to the allegations of anti Semitism during my recent visit to Germany.
Let me assure you brethren that I am not by any stretch of the imagination an Anti Semite. Indeed, any form of racism is abhorrent to me and having grown up in South Africa I have firsthand experience regarding this issue and have been an ardent campaigner against racist injustice all my life. Also, as South African, I was probably not attuned to the hypersensitivity of the current German nation regarding the injustices perpetrated on the Jews by the N a z i regime and my comments have thus been misinterpreted. As you well know, German is not my first language and I believe that some of the supposed statements regarding belittling remarks such as “gelbes Tuechlein” stem from my linguistic inadequacy in this department and certainly not from malicious intent as some hope to surmise. Moreover, the treatment the Jews received in Germany and for that matter from many other nations as well can only be described as diabolical and there was certainly historic ‘herding’ involved to the shame of all who practiced it. Moreover, ‘herding’ is the modus operandi of Christ’s adversary, who is herding the whole world into a collective mindset which will result in the final persecution of God’s antitypical Israel. This is not a conspiracy theory but a prophetic reality and the Spirit of Prophecy warns that if we associate with those who war against Christ we will soon come to see matters in the same light as they and lose our discernment. I plead with you dear brethren to note the serious times we are living in and heed the warnings that God has so graciously given us through the Spirit of Prophecy.
The purpose of the lecture was to show that literal Israel (both physically and theologically) can in no way represent the ‘Spiritual Israel’ of the Bible and that any theological gymnastics to the contrary cannot negate this fact. Indeed this is the Advent position and stands contrary to most modern theological views held by other evangelicals. My purpose was not to attack the Jews but to defend the Advent position. Of necessity the Advent position will create controversy as it stands in juxtaposition to all other views. It is my sincere wish that that all people, including the Jews, will accept the Advent position which glorifies Christ and firmly establishes Him as Saviour and Ruler of the ‘Israel of God’.
Since it is obvious that some misconstrued my comments as derogatory to the Jews I again wish to reiterate that that was not my intent and I sincerely apologize if it came across that way.
Hopefully this matter can now be laid to rest.
Your brother in Christ,
Walter Veith


  1. Can you direct me to the news article where these charges may be found?


    1. I am working on finding the source for it. But it couldn't hurt to pray either way.

  2. Source:

  3. It's 9/11 2013 and not any other news yet? I hope is not his 9/11, he didn't have to go through this. So, everybody continue to pray for him.


      I'm sorry I haven't updated this. Here is a link from Amazing Discoveries from December of last year


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