I recieved this email from a friend at church. Please read
prayerfully and stay away from spiritual disciplines or anything of the
EDIT June 23, 2012:
The underlined part happened in my own personal church that I attend. Everything below this blue highlighted part is from the email that my friend sent me.
A book by a known quaker mystic, Richard J. Foster was referred to (and not in a good way, if there is such a way when dealing with paganism) in church today. Wow. And not a good wow either. And by "not in a good way" I mean the speaker referred to it as a good book. Why should this kind of material from a mystic EVER be used in our churches?
Who is Richard J. Foster? "Richard J. Foster's books, knowing full well that Foster is a Quaker mystic and the head of Renovare, an organization whose goal is to introduce evangelicals to contemplative spirituality. Foster borrowed many of the principles in his book, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, from the Desert Fathers, (mystics in Egypt of the third and fourth centuries), and from Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises."
The Second Coming of Jesus is closer than we think, that is most certain. It bothers me to see such things as this infiltrate our church.
In the night season I was in a large meeting. The one who has stood for
many years as the leader in our medical work was speaking, and he was
filled with enthusiasm regarding his subject. His associate physicians
and ministers of the gospel were present. The subject upon which he was
speaking was life, and the relation of God to all living things. In his
presentations he cloaked the matter somewhat, but in reality he was
presenting as of the highest value, scientific theories which are akin
to pantheism. {SpTB06 41.1}
After looking upon the pleased, interested countenances of those
who were listening, One by my side told me that the evil angels had
taken captive the mind of the speaker. He said that we were to stand as
guardians of the churches, but that we were on no account to enter into
discussion with those who hold pantheistic theories, on these subjects.
He said that just as surely as the angels who fell were seduced and
deceived by Satan, so surely was the speaker under the spiritualistic
education of evil angels. {SpTB06 41.2}
I was astonished to see with what enthusiasm the sophistries and
deceptive theories were received. The influence of this talk gave the
speaker encouragement to call for a council of our brethren at Battle
Creek, for a further examination of these seducing sentiments. {SpTB06 41.3}
I was bidden to warn our people on no account to send their
children to Battle Creek to receive an education, because these
delusive, scientific theories would be presented in the most seducing
forms. The matter has been working in his mind in such a way that he
thinks he is to be the channel to infuse other minds with great light
regarding certain scientific problems. Words and sentiments from my
books will be taken and presented as being in harmony with his theories.
But the Lord has forbidden us to enter into any discussion with him....
{SpTB06 42.1}
I am bidden to tell our ministers to enter into no discussion over
these theories, but to let them alone. When engaged in discussion over
these theories, their advocates will take words spoken to oppose them,
and will make them appear to mean the very opposite of that which the
speaker intended them to mean.... {SpTB06 42.2}
The night interviews held by the leader in this work are one of
his most effective means of gaining his point. His constant stream of
talk confuses the minds of those he is seeking to influence. He mistakes
and misquotes words, and places those who argue with him in so false a
light that their powers of discernment are benumbed. He takes their
words, and gives them an impress which makes them seem to mean exactly
the opposite of what they said. {SpTB06 42.3}
If permitted, the evil angels will work the minds of men until
they have no mind or will of their own. They are led as the angels cast
out of heaven were led. Under Satan’s influence these angels uttered
sentiments directly opposite to loyalty to God. Thus the family of God
in heaven became corrupted. And thus will it be with physicians or
ministers who continue to bind up with the one who has had light, who has had warnings, but who has not heeded them.{SpTB06 42.4} -- Ellen G. White, Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 6, page 42.
I received this from Washington. This is what that man was talking about in church last Sabbath concerning the
church changing to "feelings" instead of obedience.
are a large group, representing most, if not all, of the various
Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Walla Walla Valley, which includes
Walla Walla and College Place, Washington, and Milton-Freewater and
Stateline, Oregon. Some of the churches are very large, and some are
We sincerely believe that ALL Adventists, and
any other interested persons, have the right to become acquainted with
two types of evangelism currently being presented in some of our
churches, and it is our intent to compare Bible prophecies and the
teaching of Christian writers with current events, so each person
reading the information contained herein may make an informed decision
for his/her own life, now and in the hereafter.
members come from all walks of life and have spent many hours, many
days, doing research and attending meetings to draft this document. Feel
free to use all of it or any part of it in any way you see fit. These
are open documents, and stated as such from the input of our many
Some points to remember:
sometimes masks an unconscious or unaccepted uncertainty", and, "When
one recognizes where spiritual formation comes from and leads to, it is
NEVER too late to change one's mind and turn to Christ."
118 SE 6th Street
College Place, W A 99324
November 14, 2011
Dan Jackson, President North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904
Dear Pastor Jackson:
are a group of Seventh-day Adventist church members in the Walla Walla
Valley who are deeply concerned with the Spiritual Formation Movement
that is sweeping into our Walla Walla University and valley churches.
We do not wish to remain silent. Because of opposition, it has been
renamed "Foundations of Biblical Spirituality" or "Spiritual
Development," or other creative names; however, the content is the same.
We are, therefore, writing an open letter to state our position, and we
ask for your response.
Those who support the spiritual
formation program claim that we are asleep in the Laodicean Church, that
many long for a more vibrant, living relationship with the Lord, that
the head knowledge of Biblical doctrines taught in the past is not
enough to sustain us now. Our group sees these as real problems.
Religion has to get down into the heart.
It seems there are presently two paths of revival going on in the Adventist church, one
based on the Bible and the other based on a mixture of the Bible along
with ancient mysticism, New Age philosophy, Catholicism, Eastern
etc. It is the second path that concerns us, as
stated in this document. During the third quarter of 2011, we studied
in Sabbath School the danger of God's people mixing pagan practices and
beliefs into their religion. Syncretism is as dangerous and deadly
today as it was back then.
We are deeply grieved that Andrews
University is offering degrees and classes in spiritual formation,
albeit under a different name (see copy of enclosed blog).
We ask why our leading seminary would offer such classes. Why
expose all future pastors to the broken cisterns of the world? This
will endanger their salvation as well as that of their members. A recent
article in the Adventist Review (8/11/2011) seemed to gloss over any
dangers inherent in this program.
In July, * * * * * *,
senior pastor of the Walla Walla University Church, introduced a new
associate pastor, *******, as the "pastor for spiritual formation". In
follow-up sermons, he used the words "spiritual formation, mysticism,
mystical," etc. He referred to Ellen G. White as a mystic and suggested
that we should be reading from outside sources. Many sources he quoted
on the screen were taken from Catholic monks. We are very concerned
about the way these ideas will be presented to impressionable college
students, as well as to younger children in their formative years.
Parents send their children here in good faith and
pay thousands of dollars so that they will be instructed in the truth.
What will be their anguish when they discover these students have been
indoctrinated in spiritual sophistries?
On September 11,
2011, we wrote Pastor ****** a letter voicing our concerns, which is
enclosed with this document. We also sent him three books from our ABC:
The Omega Rebellion: What Every Adventist needs to Know ...
Now by Rick Howard,
A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen, and
Faith Undone by Roger Oakland, with a request in the letter that he prayerfully read them and contact us.
requested that a group of people meet with him in his office by
appointment. We have not done so because of statements he made in his
October 15 Sabbath sermon and then again at the Walla Walla Adventist
Forum meeting that afternoon. People who attended the event described
his demeanor as "cocky, arrogant, showing a who-cares attitude,
possibly because he seems to have support from the ministerial staff at
the University." He stated in his talk that he has had numerous emails,
visits to his office,
etc. "as late as this week" objecting
to the spiritual formation project, and that he "has not lost two
minutes of sleep over it; it is a non-issue." If this is truly a
non-issue, why are so many mainline Adventists concerned about it? He
said the Adventist denomination was perceived by non-Adventists to be
"elitists". He also said we should be focusing on God and not on what
Satan is doing, and that we should be careful in attacking "Christ's
bride". We are not attempting to attack the bride but the pagan
philosophies which are taking over the bride.
Is it not reasonable for God's people to object when one incorporates pagan philosophies into the bride of Christ?
****** defended the use of Richard J. Foster's books, knowing full
well that Foster is a Quaker mystic and the head of Renovare, an
organization whose goal is to introduce evangelicals to contemplative
spirituality. Foster borrowed many of the principles in his book,
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, from the Desert Fathers, (mystics in Egypt of the third and fourth centuries), and from Ignatius Loyola's
Spiritual Exercises. Pastor
****** produced a pile of books that included some by Brennan Manning,
a former Catholic priest, which he recommended for the spiritual
journey. There were no Spirit of Prophecy books or Bibles on the stack.
We are solemnly warned against forsaking Biblical truth for the broken
cisterns of worldly theories (see Jeremiah 2:13). He used the term
"spiritual formation" in his sermon that Sabbath. Because of opposition,
the name has been changed to "spiritual development", but they are the
same sophistries. It was argued that the opposition is a question of
semantics only.
It was noted that only two people at the forum
dared to voice questions, but they were quickly dismissed, thus, it was
the consensus of our group that there was no value in engaging with
him over the issue and we needed to go to a higher level, for he seemed
to have an indifferent attitude toward those who oppose this
The Eastgate Seventh-day Adventist Church in Walla
Walla has been offering spiritual formation classes in weekly
small-group, home-based meetings for about a year. They have studied
books by Jan Johnson, who holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in Ignatian
spirituality and spiritual
direction and they are currently studying
Thirsting for God: Spiritual Refreshment for the Sacred Journey, by
Gary L. Thomas. When approached, the teacher of the class and the
pastor said they don't teach it in a way contrary to Adventism, and
there is nothing wrong with Bible study and meditation.
We are
deeply concerned because Ellen White told us that before Jesus Christ
would return there would be an omega based upon the Alpha, (Kellogg's
pantheistic deception), but the omega would be so much worse that she
"trembled" when it was shown to her.
"Be not deceived; many will
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of
devils. We have now before us the alpha of this danger. The omega will
be of a most startling nature.
(1 Selected Messages 197)... I
knew that the omega would follow in a little while; and I trembled for
our people. I knew that I must warn our brethren and sisters not to
enter into controversy over the presence and personality of God. (203)
experience of the past will be repeated. In the future, Satan's
superstitions will assume new forms. Errors will be presented in a
pleasing and flattering manner. False theories, clothed with garments of
light, will be presented to God's people. Thus Satan will try to
deceive, if possible, the very elect. Most seducing influences will be
exerted; minds will be hypnotized.
"Corruptions of every type,
similar to those existing among the antediluvians, will be brought in to
take minds captive. The exaltation of nature as God, the unrestrained
license of the human will, the counsel of the ungodly-these Satan uses
as agencies to bring about certain ends. He will employ the power of
mind over mind to carry out his designs. The most sorrowful thought of
all is that under his deceptive influence men will have a form of
godliness, without having a real connection with God ...
agencies are clothing false theories in an attractive garb, even as
Satan in the Garden of Eden concealed his identity from our first
parents by speaking through the serpent. These agencies are instilling
into human minds that which in reality is deadly error. The hypnotic
influence of Satan will rest upon those who turn from the plain word of
God to pleasing fables.
"It is those who have had the most light that Satan most assiduously seeks to ensnare. He knows that if he can deceive them, they will, under his control, clothe sin with garments of righteousness, and lead many astray. (8
Testimonies 293-294, italics supplied)"
are not the only protestants who are worried about the spiritual
formation message that is fast sweeping the entire world. There are at
least two other books about this problem written by protestant authors,
A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen and
Faith Undone by Roger Oakland.
(page 29), points out that pantheism teaches God is an impersonal
presence pervading all creation. Panentheism combines the idea of the
pervasive presence with theism, (a personal God), and that each created
being has a spark of divinity within.
It is much more subtle and
dangerous than pantheism, since the adherents believe they are still
worshiping the personal God of the Bible. Spiritual
formation is based on panentheism. It is no wonder that E.G. White
"trembled for our people"! If God is IN each of us, and thus we believe
that makes us gods ourselves, we have no need of a Savior. An example
of the confusion that may follow with this theory is that since God is
in everyone, he is also in Lucifer, and in that Lucifer can “become
like the Most High” (Is.14:14), or be a god unto himself. While the
Bible is very clear that God desires to
live in us, and
that the born again Christian chooses to live by and with the presence
of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Godhead, (John
14:16-23, 2 Cor. 6:16, Eph. 3:16,17)…by no means does the created
person take on attributes of the Creator…such as omnipresence,
omnipotence, omniscience, and fiat creation ability (able to create
matter out of nothing). Even when human beings take on immortality at
the second Coming of Christ, and will no longer ever be subject to
death again…although redeemed and miraculously transformed
incorruptible, still they are
created beings, and as
such, are not partakers of the prerogatives that belong to God and God
alone. Any teaching making claims contrary to this is not Biblical.
agree that spiritual revival is needed for each of us but we do NOT
agree that spiritual formation should be the basis of revival because it
incorporates the devil's poison into the Biblical message, as was
"Popular revivals are too often carried by
appeals to the imagination, by exciting the emotions, by gratifying the
love for what is new and startling. Converts thus gained have little
desire to listen to Bible truth, little interest in the testimony of
prophets and apostles. Unless a religious service has something of a
sensational character, it has no attractions for them. A message which
appeals to unimpassioned reason awakens no response. The plain warnings
of God's word, relating directly to their eternal interests, are
(Great Controversy 463 :2)"
there are good ideas in the spiritual formation message -- intimacy
with God, taking time for prayer and meditation in a hurried world,
etc. --
the message comes from a polluted, pagan source. The most dangerous
aspect, as we see it, is contemplative/centering prayer, or breath
prayers, wherein the participants are taught to listen to their
breathing and to empty their minds through the repetition of a word or
phrase, perhaps the name of Jesus. It is the same technique used by
ancient pagans, Eastern religions, New Age proponents, and
spiritualistic mediums when they go into séances. The person goes into
an altered (alpha) state of consciousness through self hypnosis, the
mind is opened to spiritual impressions and messages, and Satan can
come in and take control of the mind (see Jesus' parable of Matt.
12:43-45). Jesus warned us against "vain repetitions as the heathen do"
(Matt. 6:7), nor are we to take Jesus' name in vain. Catholics and
Protestants have gone to Buddhist and Hindu gurus to master this
This spiritualistic deception has become the common link
between all world religions, the means to bring about the three-fold
alliance of Revelation 16: 13-14.
They will use this to achieve worldwide unity of all religions.
Adventist teachers of spiritual formation state they do not practice
or teach mantras that lead to an altered state of consciousness
(self-hypnosis), they include and laud all the authors who teach these
techniques in their reading lists. Because it is such a seductive
message, students who read these books
are in grave danger of getting caught in a net of error and mysticism.
Our schools are providing a very slippery slope, down which many young people may slide into paganism, spiritualism, and unbelief.
books also teach the dangerous practice of using a spiritual director
to guide them in their spiritual disciplines. Why not use the
scriptures, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Holy Spirit for direction?
may disguise poison by mingling it with wholesome food, but we do not
change its nature. On the contrary, it is rendered more dangerous, as
it is more likely to be taken unawares. It is one of Satan's devices to
combine with falsehood just enough truth to give it plausibility."
(Great Controversy, 587.1)
lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the
tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after
Christ." Col. 2:8
"My message to you is: No longer consent to
listen without protest to the perversion of truth. Unmask the
pretentious sophistries which, if received, will lead ministers and
physicians and medical missionary workers to ignore the truth. Everyone
is now to stand on his guard. God calls men and women to take their
stand under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emanuel. I have been
instructed to warn our people, for many are in danger of receiving
theories and sophistries that undermine the foundation pillars of the
faith. .. Satan with his seductive influence has stolen away saints.
Brilliant, sparkling ideas often flash from a mind that is influenced
by the great deceiver. Those who listen and acquiesce will become
charmed, as Eve was charmed by the serpent's words. They cannot listen
to charming philosophical speculations, and at the same time keep the
word of the living God clearly in mind." (1
Selected Messages, 196-197)"
Once our members go down this road, the Holy Spirit will not be able to give them discernment:
think themselves wonderfully wise in understanding the sentiments of
infidel writers, but they will find that they are building upon a sandy
foundation ... What we want is to rivet our souls to the Eternal Rock
... Just as soon as you begin to think you are big men, and that you
are so large that you can comprehend and pick out all that is precious
in infidel authors, and leave out all that is vile, then you are wise
above that which is written .... The devil is right by your side, and
the evil angels are there. The devil is a great deal smarter than you
are, and you cannot see what he is driving at. He will so cunningly
interweave his sentiments with the thoughts of these writers that it
will be impossible to distinguish the error which they contain."
This Day with God, pg. 217)
spiritual disciplines, (for example, solitude, silence, exile, fasting,
night vigils, study, prayer, frugality, chastity, secrecy, sacrifice,
celebration, fellowship, submission to a spiritual director), taught by
Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, and others are
a works-based, man-centered religion, where the adepts attempt to use asceticism to approach nearer to God.
A feeling of intimacy is sought
without passing through the Biblical door of confession of sin,
repentance, and the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. The Bible does not
support this approach.
Yungen points out that contemplative prayer can produce a "high" similar to that experienced from drug use:
state of "Ecstasy" is the same state Thomas Merton likened to an LSD
trip and which made him say he wanted to be the best Buddhist he could
(A Time of Departing, 186)
This is NOT the
way Jesus taught us to pray, and it has no part of the Seventh-day
Adventist message. Those who join the spiritual formation movement that
is sweeping the entire world are
in grave danger of being shaken out of the church and joining the persecuting factor.
of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ
their powers to deceive and mislead souls. They become the most bitter
enemies of their former brethren."
(Great Controversy 608)
believe the time foretold in Revelation 13: 11-17 will soon be upon
us. There will be a death decree for all those who refuse to accept the
mark of the beast. As Ellen White states:
"The protestants of
the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the
gulf to grasp the hands of spiritualism; they will reach over the
abyss to clasp the hands with the Roman power; and under the influence
of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome
in trampling on the rights of conscience."
(Great Controversy 588:1)
Sweet is a proponent of the emerging church, which teaches all
spiritual roads are equally valid and lead to God. In his book,
Soul Tsunami, he says, "It's time for a Post Modem Reformation," (17) and adds,
"Reinvent yourself for the 21st century or die." (75) (Cited
in Time of Departing, 158)
are venturing on VERY dangerous ground. The entire Adventist population
should be aware of the basis of the emerging church spiritual
formation/contemplative prayer movement that is sweeping the world and
is being introduced into our universities and churches.
We desperately need our people to be informed so they are not among the "shaken out". We
believe the shaking time has already started. It is not too late to
stem the tide of error that is threatening to overtake the church.
church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It remains,
while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out-the chaff separated from
the precious wheat. This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must
take place." (2
Selected Messages 380)
We are encouraged by Elder Ted Wilson's statement in his July 3, 2010, acceptance speech:
must be vigilant to test all things according to the supreme authority
of God's Word and the council with which we have been blessed in the
writings of Ellen G. White. Don't reach out to movements or mega-church
centers outside the Seventh-day Adventist Church which promise you
spiritual success based on faulty theology. Stay away from non-biblical
spiritual disciplines or methods of spiritual formation that are rooted
in mysticism, such as contemplative prayer, centering prayer, and the
emerging church movement in which they are promoted."
http://news.adventist.org/20 1 O/07/sabbath-sermon-story.html
large group is comprised of members of various Adventist churches in
the Walla Walla Valley, and we are united in support of the principles
in this document. We are earnestly praying for you, our leaders, as you
face this omega deception. May God grant you the strength and wisdom
to stay true to Him and to stand up against this heresy. We plead with
you to try to stem the tide of this tsunami that is sweeping through
our beloved church, the Bride of Christ. We urge you, with God's help,
to purge the church and our institutions of higher learning of these
erroneous teachings. Our members need to be educated as to what is at
stake when paganism and mysticism are mixed with truth.
We are prayerfully hoping for a favorable response from you.
Lois Kind
Masters+ in Educational Psychology Registered Crime Victims Provider, W A lois kind@msn.com
Cc: Robert Falkenberg, Jr., Max Torkelson II, Ted Wilson, Mark Finley
(509) 526-7085 email: lois_kind@msn.com
September 11, 2011
Pastor ****** University Church 212 SW 4th St College Place, W A 99324
Dear Pastor * * * ,
believe you are truly committed to Christ and you want to serve Him to
the best of your ability. I believe, also, that you are outwardly
pressured to do something that your inward heart is rejecting. I am
basing this on the fact that I sit in your sanctuary, listening to you
each Sabbath as you speak, and I observe you. Your body language seems
to not match the words that you say. Up until recently, they matched and
your logic matched. I note that the logic seems to have slipped.
voice and your movements seem to indicate that you "doth protest too
much". The following is not criticism, but only to back up what I'm
observing and what I believe I am hearing. I also periodically take
notes. According to my notes, the Sabbath you preached about hymns, you
rightly pointed out that we use many hymns from many different people,
which we do; however, we do not use hymns from paganism, mysticism,
Catholic chants or Eastern religions. The week you put up quotes from
the Bible, Ellen White and monks only reminded me that Satan himself
quoted scripture to Christ. It did not indicate that the intent of the
Bible and the devil were the same or that their character, history,
etc., was the same. The Emerging Church movement that is sweeping the
world today is not the same as the teachings of the Bible or the Spirit
of Prophecy.
You mentioned it is wise to read a variety of books
not published by us. Do you feel we study the Bible and our
inspirational messages too much? I would like to suggest you read
Codeword Barbelon, I
and II. The second one has a note "Anti-Christ Is a Woman - Alive and
Well, Again" by P. D. Stuart, out of The United Kingdom and published
by Lux-Verbi Books. I know they are not Adventist writers, and I don't
think they are backed by any denomination. They are heavily footnoted
and are a comprehensive Christian history that parallels
The Great Controversy. The
set is very current, (I had to wait for the second book until it came
out earlier this year), and they are quite expensive. I would be willing
to loan mine, if you are interested.
One sees the roots
of what is going on today in the world and in our church. The week you
talked of the importance of feeding the children in order for growth,
it occurred to me that I would never go to a garbage dump to try to
find anything that would help my children to grow, especially not the
garbage dump of an enemy of God. According to this quarter's Sabbath
lessons with the Ellen White's writings, God chastised His children
mightily for doing just that, going to the pagan religions to
incorporate their teaching into His pure instruction. I am including a
Friday's Further Study writings so you can see some of the references.
you know, the Catholic Church is based upon a mixture of paganism and
Christianity. You also know what Christ says about the last days, with
mysticism and the occult (spiritualism) grasping hands with
Protestantism and Catholicism. Presently, some protestants are
objecting to the Catholic infiltration (see
A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen and
Faith Undone by Roger Oakland). Our church is objecting
(The Omega Rebellion by
Rick Howard), from President Wilson to the University Church members,
as you are well aware. It is sobering to think that your own children,
as well as the lives of the rest of the congregation, are resting in
your hands.
It seems there are currently at least two lines of
thought being presented, one backed by the Bible and our sure word of
prophecy; the other, rooted in a mixture of modern Christianity,
paganism, New Age, spiritualism, mysticism, Catholicism, Eastern
religions, Buddhism, etc. Can you see a parallel to the problems that
Israel (that we just "happen" to be studying in Sabbath School) had for
the same mix? I would like to quote John Bradshaw,
Babylon Rising pagel8:
today's world, vast numbers of people are seeking spiritual
fulfillment independent of God's will, or even of God Himself, whereas
the Bible makes it clear that the only way to spiritual maturity-the
only way to Heaven-is through Jesus Christ.
"No amount of human
ingenuity can get a person an inch closer to the gates of Heaven. The
builders of the tower of Babel evidently didn't understand that, and it
seems the point will also be lost on the Babylon of Earth's last
In the five and one-half pages of Bibliography for the book
Hunger by Jon L. Dybdahl, there is only one listing for a book from our vast library of prophetic books --
Steps To Christ --although
he notes on page 17: "A couple of years ago, I had a graduate assistant
collect her writings on the subject of repentance and confession. The
amount she wrote in this area is staggering."
Most of Dybdahl's
references are taken from Jesuit and other sources. Up until Chapter l
O, page 100, Dybdahl only lays the foundation of the area that is the
problem. The quote, beginning chapter l O, is as follows; "I have come
to realize that spiritual formation is the heart of being a Christian,"
and, "Not only is He (God) good, He is more real than I thought Him to
be. He is real when I pray," Fellow Spiritual Pilgrims. (Presently, I
have not been able to discover the source of this material on the
Spiritual formation is a tool set forth from
the Catholic Church to draw all protestants and other world religions
into the fold of the one church that will be persecuting all dissenters
(God's final family who follow Him).
Quoted from the
Omega Rebellion, by Rick Howard, p. 175; Ellen White (BCL99.4);
am instructed to say to our people, Let us follow Christ. We may
safely discard all ideas that are not included in His teachings. I
appeal to our ministers to be sure that their feet are placed on the
platform of eternal truth. Beware how you follow impulse, calling it the
Holy Spirit. Some are in danger in this respect. I call upon them to
be sound in the faith, able to give everyone who asks a reason of the
hope that is in them."
Ted Wilson states in The Adventist World,
August 2011, "As Paul warned 2,000 years ago, we have to be especially
vigilant to 'not be conformed to this world.' Prayer practices,
including what are sometimes known as 'centering prayer' and
'labyrinths' and 'contemplative prayer,' frequently draw on
non-Christian philosophies that encourage emptying the mind. Biblical
prayer, instead, draws us into a quiet and focused rational
contemplation of God's word and His faithfulness that yields in 'the
mind of Christ.' "
This last Sabbath you spoke on "The One We
Worship" and not once mentioned the words mystic, mysticism or
spiritual formation. I feel that this sermon is what you truly believe.
know how much you love Jesus. I know how much you love your family -
your wife and your children. I hear and see that your verbal language
does not match your body language.
Please prayerfully read in the
Bible the history of what happens to people who mix paganism with
God's word, read Ellen White's warnings, and the three books specially
purchased for you, then follow God. Please.
You are welcome to
keep the three books enclosed; however, if you choose not to read these
books, please return them. I would appreciate a response. What is
presently transpiring is a life and-death matter, eternally.
you are being pressured to do other than the Lord's own instruction,
stand up for Jesus and we, your congregation, will stand with you.
This comes as a letter so that you may prayerfully examine both sides and not have a human trying to influence you.
am a spokesperson for a large group of your congregation. There are
many of us who are seriously concerned about the subject of spiritual
formation being presented from the pulpit.
This is a very
divisive tool. In these last days, it is God's will that we have church
unity. We are praying for you and our other leaders that you will have
strength and courage to stand for God's truth.
We anxiously wait and watch for the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with you.
Lois Kind
Masters+ in Educational Psychology Registered Crime Victims Provider, WA
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View Current Si2natures- Sign the Petition
To: General Conference President
A Trojan
horse has entered the SDA Church in a big way, and it's of such a nature
that if something is not done to stop it, many of our innocent Leaders
and upcoming Leaders, will be trained as mediums to deceive and destroy
the souls of God's people.
Brethren, the Bible clearly tells us
that, 'The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that
which is done [is] that which shall be done: and [there is] no new
[thing] under the
sun.' {Ecclesiastes 1:9}
During Sister
White's time, Dr. J.H Kellogg, was influenced deeply by the false
religious excitement that was happening in the religious world. One of
the theories that he embraced, was Pantheism, and even though he was
warned by Mrs. White that this teaching was erroneous, he gleaned from
the 'wisdom' of a spiritualist medium, and wrote the infamous book, The
Living Temple, which the Review and Herald were about to publish.
Fortunately, the church was spared when this book got burnt to cinders
when the publishing house was destroyed by fire, whiles the other
Adventist materials to be published, were untouched.
Mrs. White
called Kellogg's spiritualistic theories, the 'Alpha' of the apostasy in
the SDA Church, and trembled at the fact that it wouldn't stop there,
because worse would take place in the omega rebellion.
Has it
arrived? Have you heard of ,Contemplative Prayer; Breath Prayer; Taize
Prayer; Spiritual Formation, GODencounters and Jesus Prayer; Prayer
Stations; Prayer Rooms; Prayer Labyrinth etc?
These and many other
terms that are being taught by our leaders in our top institutions of
learning, churches, hospitals and youth ministries are steeped in
Catholic Mysticism, Pantheism, New Age, basically Spiritualism wrapped
in Christian terminology. Many of our leaders (some have openly declared
so) have been trained and influenced by Jesuits and various New Age
teachers. This is
dangerous and destined to wipe out many in Adventism if not checked.
have formulated this petition because on February 2011, Andrews
University will be holding a course for Pastors which will include
Spiritual Formation (the above terms). God requires us to do all that
we can to stay the tide of evil so that our innocent members, young
people and our leaders will not be swept away by this omega crisis.
Please join with us in signing this petition to ban this course from
being taught in Andrews. A copy of this petition with all the signatures
will be presented to the General Conference President, Ted Wilson.
Thank you for your support and more importantly your prayers.
The Undersigned
(Click Here to Sign Petition :)
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Andrews University Spiritualism Course-BANPetition to General
Conference President was created by and written by Simone Wells
(wellssimone792009@yahoo.com). This petition is hosted here at
www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no endorsement of
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on the letter to Elder Folkenburg of the Upper Columbia Accademy and
reply by Elder Foldkenburg to the writer of that letter. [both letters
provided on this page]
No Greater Love hath the brethren than they lay down their life for their brother and sister in Christ.
an email was sent my way, I in turn passed it on, as I believe it has
merit and should be shared with others. The introduction of this email
was such as to indicate it came from a western state SDA Conference
President, but upon further reading it was from a member of the
University church in his district. The writer of this email has great
concerns regarding the type of doctrines, teachings and sources used
that were being presented to the congregation from the pulpit. Doctrines
that many in the congregation considered satanic in nature. Doctrines
that turn the hearts of our children in the our colleges away from
their Father God, their Elder brother Jesus, turning them away from
their Lord and Saviour in favour of a new god, a god that is determined
to corrupt the soul.
Today I have with this comment
posted both the letter from the Church member and the Reply from the
Conference President. The reply was sent to me by a third party who has
the Conference Prez's ear and with his permission. The reply was sent
to me because the third party considered it unfair to post only one
side of this dialogue.
I am not a young man and like the
writer of the letter, I am into the winter of my life, I have been a
Seventh-day Adventist since before I was born. However, I do not
consider my self an authority on Adventism and all of its sins, that is
for others to pour over. But, when I see these letters such as was
posted and I review the last 50 years of portions of my life, I can
understand why such letters are written to, and about, the men who
claim to sit in Moses seat. (Matthew 23:2) The accusations by Scripture
against the shepherds of Israel, then and now is long. The
condemnation by the Lord's messenger against the Seventh-day Adventist
leadership and those that follow after it is great. Sadly the
Testimonies are filled with their deriliction of duty and their sins.
Catholicisty among the leadership is pronouced, the preaching of peace
and safty is rampant, even to preaching along side the false prophet. (5
T 77.)
A movement that does not advance with the light
will only go backward. Thus it is that Inspiration points out the
apostasy in the SDA church will precede the making up of the Image
beast. That is here and now. Since Indianapolis we have seen the Public
inroads of Catholicity in the church. We have seen in individual
congregations the results of such apostasy. So the Letter sent to Elder
Folkenburg Jr. is not out of line. And his answer is in line with
those who have so deceived themselves that they can no longer discern
what is truth and what is not. The leadership in the Seventh-day
Adventist church is now served by reprobates and fools, Truly Esau has
sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage.
I will close this comment with counsel from 3 T 266,67
true people of God, who have the spirit of the work of the Lord and
the salvation of souls at heart, will ever view sin in its real, sinful
character. They will always be on the side of faithful and plain
dealing with sins which easily beset the people of God. Especially in
the closing work for the church, in the sealing time of the one hundred
and forty-four thousand who are to stand without fault before the
throne of God, will they feel most deeply the wrongs of God's professed
people. This is forcibly set forth by the prophet's illustration of
the last work under the figure of the men each having a slaughter
weapon in his hand. One man among them was clothed with linen, with a
writer's inkhorn by his side. "And the Lord said unto him, Go through
the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark
upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the
abominations that be done in the midst thereof."
{3T 266.2}
are standing in the counsel of God at this time? Is it those who
virtually excuse wrongs among the professed people of God and who murmur
in their hearts, if not openly, against those who would reprove sin?
Is it those who take their stand against them and sympathize with those
who commit wrong? No, indeed! Unless they repent, and leave the work
of Satan in oppressing those who have the burden of the work and in
holding up the hands of sinners in Zion, they will never receive the
mark of God's sealing approval. They will fall in the general
destruction of the wicked, represented by the work of the five men
bearing slaughter weapons. Mark this point with care: Those who receive
the pure mark of truth, wrought in them by the power of the Holy
Ghost, represented by a mark by the man in linen, are those "that sigh
and that cry for all the abominations that be done" in the church.
Their love for purity and the honor and glory of God is such, and they
have so clear a view of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, that they are
represented as being in agony,
even sighing and crying.
Respectfully Henry L. Whitchurch
Bob Folkenberg, Jr.
________________________________________________Upper Columbia Conference
Seventh-day Adventists3715 S Grove Rd · Spokane, WA 99224
(509) 838-2761 - UCC Office
(509) 995-2567 - Cell(509) 838-4882 - FaxTwitter: bobfolkenberg
____________________________Visit us on the Web at: www.uccsda.org
Have Bible Questions? See www.bibleinfo.comEmail: bobf@uccsda.org