We all carry around past hurts and regrets. Often times someone will steer clear of someone else because they have "baggage." But doesn't everyone? Heaven knows I do. I grew up with a bit of a rough childhood.
My biological father left when I was 4. I've had people come and go all throughout my life. I've learned things about people that left me appalled. The baggage list could go on but I won't get in to detail, at least not right now. I may write my biography later on but this post is not the time or place.
If there's one thing I've learned from people coming and going all throughout my life it is this: that Jesus is the one constant. He is the one that has never left me and never will. He said so in Matthew 28:20 and in countless other promises throughout the Bible. It's hard to accept but once you do, it frees you. Knowing that Jesus is always there to catch you when you fall. Knowing that when all others fall away, He remains.
Follow the jump to a video skit by The Skit Guys on this very subject. You will be touched. Your life may very well be changed. This is their skit on Baggage.